Thursday, 22 November 2012

Shooting day!

Wow, what a jam packed few hours. Our set was pretty much ready, our shot list was done and we were almost ready to shoot so I expected it to go smoothly. It didn't, we were lucky to get everything filmed in time. My role was sort of camera, although we had cinematographers to do most of the camera stuff I was th person they referred to on anything they didn't understand, principally because I am the one who did the shot list. One of the simplest and biggest problems was the classic "too many cooks", everyone was trying to do their thing and work their bit out and everyone just got in everyone's way. Im not surprised as in a small set we had 5 crew, 5 cinematographers, 2 tutors and 1 actor and there was another set with the same just next to us. Me and Stella (our producer) suggested some people come off set and sit out of the way but nobody listened. I think it would have been much smoother if we had spoken to the cinematographers before hand, we also should have finished dress making and makeup testing the week before. Our set looks really nice and well lit in the photo's, I haven't yet seen the footage but am pretty hopeful about how it looks. I enjoyed the green screening and shooting in general but did more organising and floor managing than I think was my role. I think I should have taken on more responsibility at the start so that the crew were more prepared to be organised by me and didn't feel I was taking over.

Anyway hectic drama aside we got everything we needed and it was a generally successful shoot. Here are some of the images of the set:

I will be popping into uni to edit the footage soon.

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